A Public Speaking Company


My name is Alicia Nicole Draper.  As a woman with a physical disability, I am grateful for my life.  At 33 years old, I have accomplished more than what I, myself, and many others ever thought possible for me.

A few of my life's accomplishments include graduating from Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations, being a competitive swimmer on team for people with disabilities, hiking Camelback mountain, a popular mountain to hike among tourists in Scottsdale, Arizona via my purple crutches as well as being a professional public speaker for three years, and now the founder of Able Through Christ, a public speaking company.

Alicia Nicole Draper on CamelbackAble Through Christ’s mission is to educate and encourage people of the abilities they have through Jesus Christ, whether they are a person with or without a disability by providing original disability awareness training programs and personal testimonies for array of clients ranging from churches to professional businesses.

I believe it is through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I am able to achieve all things and it is Jesus Christ who provides me with great opportunities to show His Strength through my physical weakness.  And my birth is proof enough for my family and me.

I was born on March 1, 1982.  I surely surprised my parents, Jim and Deanna, and older sister, Leah.  For I was born three months early.  I only weighed two pounds five ounces and was immediately placed in an incubator.  Doctors told my parents I would probably die during the night.  They did not listen.  They prayed.

And through Jesus Christ, I was able to make it through the night.  Now I am 33-years-old.  This is why I say I am grateful for my life.  Jesus did not have to keep me alive.  But HE DID.

Despite being diagnosed at age two with cerebral palsy, a disability that affects my fine motor skills and balance, I know I am ABLE THROUGH CHRIST to do all things for He Strengthens me.

I travel through life with the help of my silver walker, or as I like to call it my silver chariot.  Because every princess needs her chariot.  I am a princess of King Jesus Christ.  My chariot and I have traveled everywhere from the campus of Arizona State University (ASU) to Monterrey, Mexico and Rome, Italy.

I believe whether we have a disability or not, traveling through life can be hard.  Life is a mix of successes and failures.  But traveling through life can be fun as well!

I believe we are Able through Christ to know how wonderfully and fearfully made we are in both our successes and failures.  Also we are Able through Christ to achieve our dreams.  For I believe we can lean on the strength and love of Jesus Christ to achieve more than what we ever thought possible for ourselves! You are valued.  You are loved.

And you are Able through Christ.

In His Love,

Alicia Nicole Draper